The Property
The property was built in 1914 as a summer home for Col. Harold Child Bickford. In the 1930s, it became an artists’ community. During World War II, it was a training centre for the Women’s Royal Naval Service and, between 1945 and 1947, a military hospital. There are rumours of secret tunnels to the lake.
I was to investigate this historic and amazing property with the permission from David Soknacki, councillor for Scarborough East. The only stipulation was while conducting this investigation my team would be imbedded with two staff from the Toronto Star, Feature writer Bill Taylor and photographer Steve Russell. We arrived just before 16:00 and the first person I ran into was Bill Taylor standing in the front entrance.
We introduced ourselves and as a foot note he simply declared “He didn’t believe in any of this crap.” I just smiled and said, “Perfect, then I’ll be looking for your opinion in the morning.”
The investigation
The investigation started around 4 pm and continued to 5 am the next morning, we deployed a wide range of equipment and techniques from high-tech to old school low tech.
Our command post on the main floor in the dining hall and immediately breakup into teams and start exploring the sprawling building.
We kept hearing whispers and clanking sounds like tin cups on the old radiators, at first, we thought it was just the rads making these sounds but listening to them for many hours there is a pattern, like a code being used. We do know it wasn’t Morris code.
We were also recording electronic voice phenomena, the most disturbing ones seemed to come from war time spirits that were concerned that a man (spirit) named Henry had gotten out of his room and was now a possible menace.
At around 2 am we called for a break, and everyone returned to the command area. After the break, we had saved the best for last, the basement and what was left of the tunnels.
Everyone was extremely excited for this part of the investigation, as we geared up, I noticed Bill Taylor sitting in the back of the room, so called out to him to come along. He sheepishly declined. I knew something was wrong so I made my way to where he was sitting and asked what was up? He reluctantly explained that he was heading down for the break from the second floor when someone pushed him from behind, and stated had he not grabbed the hand railing he would have fallen down the stairs, he looked back and no one was there.
I made sure he was okay and then I just smiled and told him, “Well, they sort of take it personal when people deny their existence.” And there it was another skeptic now unsure what to believe. I left him sitting there and headed for the tunnels.
We did encounter one spirit, that of a stern angry German woman roaming the basement and tunnels below the old mansion, this is where we find areas that have been sealed up, buried and hidden.
Packing Up
It was a very interesting and productive night, but our time ended too quickly and we needed to pack up. But the spirits weren’t finished with Bill yet. Bill and Russell turned off the lights to the dining room and everyone brought their equipment to the front door area, I mentioned that I thought they were going to shut off the lights to the dining room and the place is fully lit up. Bill and Russell both turned pale. Russell replied, they were off and Bill made a quick exit.