A six-year investigation into a multiple haunting that was a rollercoaster ride of emotions and major discoveries for all involved.
It has been many years since I was involved with this haunting, a haunting that produced the most activity I had ever seen. It was both remarkably fascinating and disturbing at the same time. A place where many spirits dwelled and two fought for control of the property, leaving the living trapped in a paranormal battlefield. Where every new paranormal discovery or historical tidbit dragged me in a twisting turning ride leaving me with more questions than answers. The story kept growing in to layer after gritty, terrifying layer.
When people read the book or hear the stories, they often think that the end of the book heralded in the end of the haunting, not so. After all these years we still hear from people living on the property. Even though they quickly come and go, that the haunting still remains to this very day. Where, Edward rules the property with an iron fist, terrorizes children and women and seeks out those in love to take joy in destroying those relationships.
The photo on the left shows skeletal remains in front of the fireplace where eye witnesses have reported seeing an apparation, as well as where the medium indicated a body of a female was buried. A second immediate photo (on right) shows nothing abnormal in that area.

Some of the events were featured in A Haunting season 1 episode 5 “Darkness Follows” and on Northern Mysteries