Understanding all the various dynamics of a haunting
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When a family unit begins to experience strange occurrences in their residence various family members may in the onset keep those occurrences quiet for fear of sounding crazy. Several members may be experiencing happenings yet there may be no communications until:
- It becomes out of control and/or extremely frightening or
- Two members experience something together which opens up a dialog
You must remember the majority of hauntings are benign, although scary, most are simply spirit going about their daily routines not even aware it could be frightening you or your family.
In about 85% of hauntings in a residence the female is first to notice these strange events, this can cause stress and extreme frustration within the family unit as the male may not completely believe what the female is saying having not had an experience himself. This in some cases may be the ploy…divide and conquer.
In 100% of all cases where pets are involved in the home, the pet will be fully aware of the presence within the residence and may display changes in its behavior such as; looking at seemingly empty spaces, watching something you can’t see, growling, barking for no apparent reason nervousness and changes in eating habits.
Where a presence may be malevolent the pet will become the first target, then the female in most cases. Children can be a target, however, the dynamics can be more diabolical where as they may be befriended and appear to have an imaginary friend.
In most hauntings there is very little fear of injury; rather the haunters will normally have some sort of message or story to communicate.
Other than fear and disruption most of these situations can be resolved.
Diabolical Hauntings
However, in diabolical hauntings nothing will seem to be as it may appear. For example a child apparition may not be a child at all but something darker. Events of seeing things appearing exactly as someone you know or sounding like another family member indicates a more sinister situation. In these situations where pets are in the residence there is a 75% chance that the pet will not survive the first 6 months of this type of haunting.
The investigator must try to distinguish the difference between a haunting where for example a spirit feels; “hey this is my house if I scare you will you leave” and the destruction of the family unit.
Some of the weapons used in a diabolical haunting are;
They will quietly observe and gain intelligence for a period of time.
They will terrorize your pets
They will drive a wedge between the husband and wife by terrorizing one person and ensuring the other never has an experience, this will cause heightened fear as the one person starts to feel singled out and alone. They may even start to question their own sanity. The other person will start to experience poor sleep patterns and possible health issues. Combined there will be major stress between the couple and arguing will ensue.
They will show you that they can manipulate your child and pull them in specific directions or have them do things that makes you feel they are in jeopardy.
If you love your house, they will turn it into a nightmare for you.
The investigator must unify the family unit and show them that they must stand together and support one another. Open communication between the family members is extremely important.
Although depending on the resources of the investigative team to attempt to resolve these hauntings there will always remain the possibility that the only option for the family is to leave the house. Every possible option must be tried prior to making the decision to leave, this option cannot be taken lightly as in most cases will result in financial ruin of the family unit.
Clearing Your Home
There are two major problems when it comes to investigators and/or mediums who tell you they are going to clear your home or business of ghosts.
The first problem is they don’t seem to understand the dynamics of a haunting. The majority of haunted locations rarely have one spirit, but rather many. These many spirits, some good, some bad, maintain a balance. The balance can be slightly off thus the reason the owner has called in a paranormal group or medium in the first place.
Imagine you are out for the evening and your teenagers are having a party which is getting out of control. You come home, walk in, shut the music off and demand everyone leaves. The first to head for the door are the polite respectful ones who don’t want any trouble. Then the ones who couldn’t care either way depart. You are relieved, except you didn’t notice that really bad one hiding in the shadows brooding.
The team or medium tells you job well done and they go home. Now the real trouble is about to begin, the balance is gone and this leftover bad guy has nothing to stand in his way. Your house is now his playground. Good luck trying to get some good spirits to return, it is not going to happen.
A full in-depth investigation should be done first to account for every spirit in the building and to find out exactly what you are dealing with before any action is taken. Try to use conflict resolution techniques and find some common ground before you begin evicting spirits from your home or business. There is a reason it’s called an investigation, there are so many factors to consider that could be causing the haunting, a real investigator will spend the time to learn everything they can before making any type of decision.
Do Your Research
The second problem is that a lot of mediums and or paranormal groups will charge money to do a clearing. This practice is not acceptable, The Searcher Group like many good paranormal teams will never charge for their work. It’s unethical, remember when dealing with the unknown there is no guarantee. No one and I mean no one can be 100% sure of what they are dealing with or even how many spirits may be there, let alone their intentions. We have seen a lot of rituals that have made things worse but nothing that has worked 100%.
The point is the study of ghosts and life after death has been ongoing for about 150 years, we are still no closer today at proving that either exists. We have a great deal of witness testimony and some really good information that would suggest that ghost may exist, but no absolute proof. So when the law looks at people who charge for something that is not recognized as real there is an opportunity for legal action, especially when the seller used fear to motivate you into paying.
When looking for someone to help you with a paranormal situation, ask for references; see how they handled previous cases. Find out what options they suggest and be sure that they are committed to staying on the job until it is resolved, at least to the best of their ability.
If they tell you it will cost you to have any of the work done, walk away and start your search again.