memory bubble

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Memory Matrix

A Spirits Reality

Brick ruins in cemeteryIt has become clear to me through 35 years of investigating life after death that a very real reality exists just beyond our perception. A reality where the dead live, love, work and fight depending on their situation. A place that is filled with conflicted and sometimes twisted views, where in one moment to them life never stopped and seems to continue with all of its mundane routines, and the next it is full of high strangeness. Some are aware that they are dead and some are not. To explain my theory on this hidden reality I had to create a name for it, to help describe it. Collectively the subject would be known as the Memory Matrix; individually it would be known as the Memory Bubble.

How these realities are formed – Memory

Within the memory matrix the spirit will create a very real and complex reality in which they exist. This reality would include the place they lived as it was when they were alive and would also include all the people they were used to seeing on a daily basis regardless of being living or dead, it wouldn’t matter as the spirit’s own mind would create from memory very real interactions and scenarios giving the spirit the impression that they were very much alive and existing in the physical. Continue Reading