imaginary friends

All posts tagged imaginary friends

The continuing investigations of Meeting Place of the Dead led me to believe the power of the mind can create monsters.

Your child has an imaginary friend during the day, someone they have created from their vivid imagination, someone that they can play with and share secrets with, it’s just make believe right?

But then something changes, they don’t want to sleep in their bedroom anymore, they explain the monsters are under the bed and in the closet, there’s that imagination again. Or could something else be going on?

Memory Matrix

Many years ago I developed a new theory on ghosts that I named the memory matrix, within the memory matrix was a plain of existence for spirits called the memory bubble. This is where spirits dwelled. The bubble was developed by the individual from their personal memories thus building a reality for them to exist which would seem not only real but also physical. These memories could create places, people and events from that person’s life long memories, making their existence in the afterlife seem so real that they have no recollection of dying.

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