
All posts for the day April 7th, 2014

The problems with clearing a haunted house

black and white picture of a spirit cloaked in white material standing over a man who is seated at a tableThere are two major problems when it comes to investigators and/or mediums who tell you they are going to clear your home or business of ghosts.

The first problem is they don’t seem to understand the dynamics of a haunting. The majority of haunted locations rarely have one spirit, but rather many. These many spirits, some good, some bad, maintain a balance. The balance can be slightly off thus the reason the owner has called in a paranormal group or medium in the first place. Imagine you are out for the evening and your teenagers are having a party which is getting out of control. You come home, walk in, shut the music off and demand everyone leaves. The first to head for the door are the polite respectful ones who don’t want any trouble. Then the ones who couldn’t care either way depart. You are relieved, except you didn’t notice that really bad one hiding in the shadows brooding. The team or medium tells you job well done and they go home. Now the real trouble is about to begin, the balance is gone and this leftover bad guy has nothing to stand in his way. Your house is now his playground. Good luck trying to get some good spirits to return, it is not going to happen.

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