
All posts for the month January, 2014

What is the difference between past, present and future states? Are we, the living more solid than a ghost?

Something to think about…

Before we consider what ghosts might be we have to consider what we are as living breathing humans living in the physical world.

Most people feel through perception of our reality that they have a firm grasp of what we are, not so. This makes it more difficult for us to understand ghosts.

Because of our perceptions we believe we are solid physical beings in a solid physical world; however this is a basic illusion.

Body shape with dots inside and swirls of blue circling the body representing energy

If examining the human body, which is made up of cells and the cells are made from atoms and atoms are 99.99999999% empty space, then you are only .00000001% physical.

Albert Einstein’s E=mc2 shows the dense parts of the atom come from nowhere into particle matter and then disappear into nowhere as an energy field. This means you are constantly changing from an energy field to a partial physical form, which hardly exists as dense matter.

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Paranormal Physics

Residual haunting

Photo of antique hand held mirror and pearl necklace

The guy on TV that goes around solving people’s haunting experiences has me rolling on the floor laughing.  First of all, what is the likelihood that every episode results in him being able to add something to his collection AND solving his client’s issues?

I have yet to find a physics answer to residual hauntings.  I “could” be made to believe that an object holds special meaning to a soul that moved on.

If we follow this through, while there is an intersection between universes, the person or spirit could indeed be active, influenced by the fact that the item that holds special meaning.  However, for this type of haunting to persist/exist, the intersection would have to follow the object.  I do not see an intersection existing simple because an object exists.  I find that a physical relationship between an object and an intersection to be unsupported.

I welcome rebuttal over this point. Please feel free to use the comments to do so.  

Photos from Mississauga Historical Properties – Paranormal Investigations

While filming Discovery Channel’s “A Haunting, Darkness Follows.” At the Bradley Museum in Mississauga it was my brother Paul who noticed two apparitions in period clothing walking through the gardens near the house. This was in broad daylight. We spoke to the Manager of the Museum and what he described sounded to her extraordinary similarities to the home’s owners Lewis and Elizabeth Bradley. Problem was they had been dead for over 140 years.

It was at this point that the manager extended a very graceful offer for our team to investigate many of the Mississauga historical properties that the city owned. This would be the beginning of a ten month journey.

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